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Év | Borverseny | Évjárat | Eredmény |
2019 | International Wine Challenge, London | |
2017 | International Wine Challenge, London | |
2017 | XV. Effervescents du Monde, Dijon, Franciaország | |
2016 | International Wine Challenge, London | |
2016 | XIV. Effervescents du Monde, Dijon, Franciaország | |
2016 | The Drinks Business Sparkling Masters Award | |
2015 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2015 | Decanter World Wine Awards, London | |
2015 | II. Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championship | |
2015 | XIII. Effervescents du Monde, Dijon, Franciaország | |
2014 | Decanter World Wine Awards, London | |
2014 | XV. VinAgora, Budapest | |
2013 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2013 | XIV. VinAgora, Budapest | |
2013 | XV. Országos Takarékszövetkezeti Borverseny, Budapes | |
2012 | Challenge International du Vin, Franciaország | |
2012 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2011 | International Wine Challenge, London | |
2011 | XIII. Országos Takarékszövetkezeti Borverseny, Budapest | |
2010 | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, Belgium | |